Now, they spent their days and nights in their well insulated chicken coop with a 250 watt heat lamp keeping them comfortable in the bitter cold temperatures that with wind chills have frequently hit the -30 below mark and on several evenings embaced -50. I give them extra protein during the winter months and there is no coaxing them out of their warm coop except on the rare day the temperatures rise above 15.
Some day very soon Raspberry Ridge will be enjoying new life in the form of little fluff balls hatching in the
coming weeks. My beautiful sweet Buff Orpington has gone broody and she is as of today straddled over nine eggs. A quick inventory today showed that she is sitting on about five of her own, there are a couple of my Black Star hens eggs as well, a couple of Easter Eggers and even one Rose Combed Brown Leghorn egg. The father of this brood is Manny, my Blue Laced Red Wyandotte.
There will most certainly be news to share when the happy new arrivals find their way onto the scene. It's going to be a very special day when I open the door to greet the flock and see Fluffy protectively harboring fluffy baby chicks peeking out from under Fluffy's breast. Spring is on it's way at Raspberry Ridge, whether Old Man Winter wants to ease his grip on us or not.